Packing Pity Party
Updated: Oct 20, 2017

OK, I know lots of people move all the time.... I'm not one of them. I haven't moved in over 15 years and packing up a large house filled with bits and bobs of things I forgot I even had stinks! We haven't even gotten to the crawl space that is half filled with things our kids left behind when they moved out. That's being saved for Tuesday when 2 of our 3 kids will be helping.... ha ha. So today is Canada Day and we are still packing.
We will be living in a 20' rv while we wait for our recycled cottage to arrive and be livable. That means everything has to fit in either the trailer, the C container we have on the property for Jim's workshop tools and building necessities, or in storage. The good news is that it's almost done. The bad news is that we are down to the stuff that doesn't really fit in a box! I am coming to the conclusion that a lot of this stuff is heading to the 2nd hand store or the dump! ha ha
The kitchen is pretty much done, so that's great. Now it's down to Jim's office, the garage, Jim's wood working shop, my office and my sewing room. Now by sewing room, I mean SEWING ROOM. I am a fabric and sewing notion hoarder. When I see good deals on fabric, thread, trims, lace.... pretty much anything that you can sew with, I buy as much as is affordable. The end result is a room full of shelves, and a walk in closet filled with fabric and craft supplies. Yes I like to do crafts too.... but more in the line of costuming.
My business partner and I Heather have a small musical theatre school. Each year we costume multiple shows of kids and adults. A lot of those costumes are created by us. It's a lot of work, but it's really fun too. It's super creative! When I walk down the aisles of the dollar store... I don't see foil pans, lawn ornaments and hoola hoops. I see Crowns, Powdered Wigs and hoop skirts! So.... although a lot of this stuff stays at the studio with the costumes, a lot of it hangs around my sewing room waiting for the next project. Now it has to be packed! gahhhhh!!!!
Just need to keep my nose down and moving forward. Someday I'll look back and laugh. Not yet....